Tuesday, October 4, 2016

School Closed

Due to Governor Haley declaring a State of Emergency,
Richland 2 will be closed Wednesday (10/5), Thursday(10/6) and Friday(10/7). 
This includes ALL school activities (Boys and Girls club, Child Development and After School Activities)

WHY ARE SCHOOLS CLOSED? : Some Columbia Area Schools are used as evacuation shelters for those needing shelter from the coast so the facilities must be cleared for emergency workers and those seeking shelter.
WHAT ABOUT CHILD CARE? : Unfortunately, when the district is closed, so are the programs that use our facilities.
WHEN WILL WE MAKE THE DAYS UP? : Inclement weather days are already scheduled into the Richland 2 calendar for instances such as these. You can check out the calendar on the Round Top Website as well as the Richland 2 website for those dates.

Thank You and have a Safe and Dry Weekend.