Friday, December 10, 2021

Federal Impact Survey Opens Today

The Federal Impact Survey for Richland School District Two is now available for families to take online. Please take a few minutes to assist the district in applying for federal impact aid.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Wednesday-Dec. 8-Last Day to Shop @ the Book Fair!

Last chance shopping can be found at the book fair on Wednesday, Dec. 8, from 8:30-11:30am.  Any student with an eWallet balance greater than $5.00 will be offered the chance to complete their shopping. All eWallet balances roll over to our spring fair. It's not too late to gift your homeroom teacher, specialist, or related arts teacher with a gift certificate or an eWallet to the Book Fair to support classroom library purchases.  Book fair accepts cash, check to RTE, eWallet, & credit cards.  All profits from the book fair are used to purchase books for our school library media center and support literacy programming at Round Top.

How to Set Up Scholastic Book Fair eWallet  

eWallet Flyer

Monday, December 6, 2021

Book Fair Class Shops-Tuesday, December 7


Your student may shop at the book fair tomorrow with their class.  We accept cash, check, Scholastic eWallet, & credit cards. Books make great teacher holiday gifts!  You can set up an eWallet for your student's teacher or send money to purchase a gift certificate for them to spend at the fair.  Please contact Cindy Symonds at with any questions.  See you at the book fair!
Mrs. Symonds

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Book Fair Class Shops-Monday, Dec. 6

Cash, check to RTE, credit, or eWallet!

Attention 5th grade Parents!


Is your student interested in a middle school magnet program? Did you know that some magnet programs require interviews as part of the application process?

If your student is interested in applying for a middle school magnet program that requires an interview and you’d like for them to practice ahead of time with Mrs. Tanner (counselor), Mr. Johnson (AP, 3-5), Mrs. McMackin (IT Coach) and Mr. Beach (elementary career development specialist), we will be providing interviewing tips and “real world” feedback/suggestions for a great interview! Please respond by completing the attached google form no later than
December 10th, 2021.

Request for Middle School Magnet Interview Practice

Friday, December 3, 2021

Saturday Book Fair Shop 11am- 3pm

1st Annual Penny War Update


TOTAL raised = $4,856.12                                                

  • Team Schirmer (CD-2nd) $2,560.50
  • Team Johnson (3rd-5th)  $2,295.62
  • $139 per teacher!

Points Earned:

  • Team Schirmer (CD-2nd) 1,391 *turns into magical unicorn Monday!
  • Team Johnson (3rd-5th) 1,551 *students win a popsicle party!