Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Transportation Changes - Why are they Important?

For your Convenience
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Why do I need to send a Transportation Change? 

Round Top Elementary is committed to Safety for all our students. 
With that in mind, all changes in transportation MUST be accompanied by a signed note from a parent/guardian. 

All transportation changes are verified by both the Attendance Secretary and the Homeroom Teacher. 

What information is needed?

Name of Student (First, Last), Teacher, Grade and New Method of Transportation should be indicated in the note. 

What if I have signed them up for a Club that meets at RTE?

ANY changes from the Normal Method of Transportation need to be accompanied by a note. If they will be attending a Club that meets weekly on the same day, only ONE note is needed to verify their enrollment. Clubs are businesses not controlled by RTE and therefore we do not always have access to the most current enrollment information.

Do I need to send a note if  I am signing my student out for Early Dismissal? 

Students CAN NOT be dismissed from their classroom until a Parent/Guardian has signed them out in Lobby Guard and their identity has been verified. Any notes sent regarding early dismissals are simply for teacher reference only.

Attendance and Transportation questions? Please email