Monday, February 13, 2017

Parent Writing Wall & Box Tops Contest Week 2 Winner

Parent Writing Wall

We invite all parents to reflect on "what makes RTE stand out from other schools" for our parent writing wall. PTO has a writing station set up in the Media Center, so next time you're in for lunch or volunteering please take a moment to give us your thoughts. Thank you to parent Caroline Powell for the following entry:

Round Top Elementary is not just my children’s school. It is the village that has committed itself to raising the next generation. It is the place where my children are loved, taught and empowered. They learn kindness and compassion from peers whose parents care as much about my children’s education and experiences as they do their own. They are empowered by the leadership and believe whole-heartedly that they can accomplish anything as long as they begin with the end in mind and put first things first. They are learning to be leaders – not just someone who tells others what to do, but a leader who knows that the best leadership comes from within, from knowing that one must seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Of course these future leaders need the knowledge and know how to be effective leaders, and that is where RTE really shines. The focus on reading comprehension begins early, solidifying this essential skill while encouraging an atmosphere that fosters a love of reading. The drive to help students develop math fluency is equally impressive. Helping kids to master math facts as part of immediate recall frees up their working memory to process more complex problems with greater ease and less frustration. The fun ways in which the teachers approach these lessons makes for an exciting school day as well.

Technology is seamlessly integrated into the entire curriculum. Our Media Specialist seeks out and applies for grants to broaden the students’ experiences. Last week while helping with the annual Ellis Island adventure for the 5th graders, I got to “meet” the new 3-D printer and learn how the students have learned to use software to model and then print objects. Mrs. Symonds is creating future English professors and engineers!

Art integration in the curriculum is just as important to our family as well. This is the second year my daughter has been selected to the SC Elementary Honor Choir and I know this would have not been possible without RTE’s dedication to arts education and the guidance of Mrs. Silva. My children have learned how to play steel drums, learned our state dance, the shag, and have mastered art techniques. Through their arts classes and PE they have learned cooperation, confidence, and patience with themselves. They have learned how essential these skills are in contributing to a solid elementary education and their ability to “sharpen the saw.”

Outside of the core curriculum, RTE goes above and beyond to offer morning Fun Run, Club Days, and even school musical productions such as this year’s Peter Pan Jr. RTE hasn’t forgotten the parents’ education either. In order to make sure we understand the overall goals and education techniques, the teachers and administrators patiently explain these concepts at Parent University annually. My children already know how to keep an agenda, take notes for studying, and are encouraged to be responsible for their own time management. RTE is letting my kids enjoy their childhood while establishing a strong educational foundation and creating kind, self-sufficient future leaders. This village is the embodiment of Empower, Lead, Succeed and I couldn’t be more proud of our school!

Caroline Powell – Mom of Sidney, Jack and Kelvey and future Aviators Charlie and Allie

Box Tops Contest Week 2 Winner

And the Week 2 winner is.........................

Ms. Parks' & Ms. Johnson's Kindergarten Class!!!!

They submitted over $32 worth of Box Tops and will keep the Box Tops trophy and teddy bear for this week!

Who will win Week 3?? Send in your Box Tops this Friday, February 17!