Thursday, November 17, 2016

Handbook Highlights by Ms Hill #4

This Week's Handbook Highlight is:


Children can not be expected to be successful in learning if they aren't in the classroom to get the required instruction. Attendance is an important part of the learning environment. A child should be in school every day that he/she is physically able to attend. 

What time does the tardy bell ring?
The last bell rings at 8:10. Any child arriving after 8:10 is considered Tardy and the parent MUST sign the child in Tardy in the front office. 

What if my child is tardy due to a Doctor's appointment? 
While we understand that it is sometimes unavoidable; please review the classroom newsletters and the school Blog for critically important dates like standardized testing and avoid interruptions on those days. You will also need to sign your child in Tardy in the front office and may drop off a medical excuse at that time as well. 

How many Tardies can my child have?
We are required by law to monitor student attendance. RTE will communicate with parents when any student has an excessive number of Tardy arrivals using the following schedule: 3rd - 6th late arrivals will require parent notification and an attendance conference 
9th and subsequent late arrivals will require a referral to social worker/district office