Thursday, November 3, 2016

Handbook Highlights by Ms Hill #2

This Week's Handbook Highlight is: 

Classroom Visits

While we encourage parents to visit and volunteer often, RTE does have procedures in place for parent and family visitors. Here are some frequently asked questions:

Q:Is it OK to visit my child's classroom? 
A: Yes and No. While we welcome visitors to RTE, please be PROACTIVE and plan your visit ahead of time. (Lunch times are always a good time to visit) Alert your child's teacher AND the Main Office to let them know the Date/Time of your visit. Having a parent in the room can sometimes be distracting to the other children, altering the dynamic of the learning environment. 

Q: But I just want to "Peek in on my child and make sure they are OK"
A: We understand the need to check up on your children and see first hand all the fun and learning that goes on each day. If you choose to visit, your observation time will be limited to 20-30 min. Remember, your are an "observer", not an active participant in the classroom. If you need to speak with the teacher, you will need to schedule an appointment with them for another time. 

Q: What if I want to volunteer in my child's classroom?
We LOVE our RTE volunteers!! Please  be sure to schedule this with your classroom teacher in advance. Teachers usually have specific times/tasks that they need help from volunteers. Planning allows the teacher to have the supplies and instructions ready which maximizes both the teacher and the volunteer's time - a WIN-WIN for all!

If you have any further questions, please contact Ms Hill.