Monday, September 14, 2015

Attendance Matters at RTE! Update #2:

Here is your Attendance Update for the week of 9/8/15 through 9/11/15:
  • 17 days of school completed
  • 26 students Tardy to school (not seated in class by 8:10 AM)
  • 25 students signed out for Early Dismissal (leaving before 2:15 PM)
  • 43 students Absent 
While these numbers have slightly decreased since last week, we hope to see these numbers drop even lower! Consider this...

Imagine what your day would be like if you arrived at work late? Would starting off schedule cause you to "get behind" in your daily routine?  The First 30 minutes of school may be the most important time of the school day for students too!  From 8:00 AM until 8:30 AM, students are doing the following each day:
  • unpacking book bags
  • returning homework and signed papers/ letters from home
  • writing down assignments for the day in their agenda books
  • organizing their materials for the day, such as sharpening pencils
  • ordering lunch for the day
  • having their attendance recorded by their teacher
  • tracking their personal attendance on their data sheet
  • starting morning work
  • and more!
RTE opens its doors to students beginning at 7:30 AM every day. The first bell rings at 8:00 AM, and the tardy bell rings at 8:10 AM. We encourage all students to be in their homeroom class by 8:00 AM so that they can start their First 30 minutes of the day the right way! Remember - students who Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!