Sunday, November 11, 2018

Nov 12th-16th is American Education Week!

In celebration of American Education Week, and in support of teacher advocacy and student success, RTE’s School Improvement Council (SIC) would like to invite students and their families to "Sharpen the Saw" by participating in activities designed to increase student engagement.

What? We are inviting all students and families to participate in our first “Screen Time Detox Challenge!” It is our hope that this challenge will foster meaningful conversations and connections in our community. 

Why? The American Pediatrics Association recommends prioritizing unplugged, unstructured playtime for children, and for parents to limit their screen time as well*. 

How? During American Education Week, we encourage your family to put away electronic devices to engage in fun activities together and discuss them afterwards. Completion of a written reflection by your student after the week of family activities will earn an entry in a drawing for a basket filled with family games. Only one entry per student, please. Have fun, have conversations, and submit your written reflection to your teacher for entry.

When? The Screen Detox Challenge begins Monday, November 12th. Entries are due by the following Monday, November 19th. Drawing for the grand prize will take place November 22nd.

Ideas: This can be done in a variety of ways: playing board games, cooking together, going on a walk/ /hike, etc. Anything that does not involve technology (t.v.'s, gaming devices, iPads, computers, cell phones, etc.).

Share! We would love to see your photos during the detox challenge. Please share with us on Twitter by tagging @RTEFlightStatus. 

Read More: "Media and Young Minds" Council on Communications and Media.