Friday, August 22, 2014

Pilot's Log

We have had a very smooth start to our '14-'15 school year!  There are happy children, parents and teachers all around our beautiful school.  The start of each year requires us to practice our daily  procedures and routines very thoroughly.   Beginning Monday, 8/25, we will start our "routine" morning procedures. Students in 1st and 2nd grade only, will enter the front doors from 7:30 to 7:55 and report to Community. Our students in K, 3, 4 & 5 will use the Multi-purpose room doors.  Kindergarten students will wait in the Multi-purpose room where they are supervised until their teachers comes to walk them to class.  Students in grades 3, 4 & 5 report to their Community room.  Our goal is to have all students seated  in homerooms  and ready for the day by 8:00.  Our late bell rings at 8:10.  

Our car traffic has flowed quite smoothly in the AM & PM. We strongly encourage you to make very effort to ensure your child is exiting your car no later than 8:00.  After that time there is no adult supervision out front and we ask you to park & walk your child to the door.  Also, beginning on Monday, 8/25,  any parent wishing to walk his/her child to class must sign in using our Lobby Guard Kiosk in the front office. 

If you have not yet read through the District Handbook and our RTE procedures please be sure to do that this weekend.  Please be sure to review the student dress code section.  Although the weather is extremely hot all clothing must meet with district policy.  We will often refer you back  to this information when questions arise as the vast majority of questions are answered in the communication provided.  We appreciate those parents who have utilized the Infosnap option to check that you have read the district handbook. The most critical form that must be returned to RTE is entitled STUDENT INFORMATION FORM.  While similar information has been provided in Infosnap this paper form is more school specific.  A paper copy is necessary to have at arms reach to refer to when a student has an early dismissal. 

As we learn each day we infuse as much FUN as possible.  Ask your child about starting day one with a dance break!  Last Sunday I accepted the Ice Bucket Challenge with several RTE Alum & current students enjoying the chance to dowse me!  Ms. Cathy Williams, Ms. Paige Brown and Ms. Tamara Willing have accepted my challenge so be on the lookout for those videos to come!

We are looking forward to another AWESOME year ahead.  We are very grateful for your support!