Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Student Handbook Snippets - Visitors and Volunteers


Safety is our #1 priority. RTE requires all visitors to sign in through our Lobby Guard system and receive a visitor tag before entering any other part of our building. Please understand that any visitor who is not appropriately identified will be viewed as a potential intruder. Our staff is required to redirect visitors back to the office if they are not properly identified with a visitor's badge. We appreciate your cooperation with this very important matter. We encourage and enjoy having our parents and other members of the community visit our school regularly.  When visitors follow our safety procedures and guidelines, a win-win situation is created for everyone.


While we encourage parents to visit and volunteer often, RTE does have procedures in place for parent and family visitors. Here are some frequently asked questions:
·    Is it OK to visit my child’s classroom? Well, yes and no.  While we welcome visitors to RTE, it is always best if you plan your visits around your child’s lunch time. As unobtrusive as you mean to be while in the classroom, even just being in the room can be a distraction for some of the other children, altering the dynamic of learning in the classroom.  Please be proactive and plan your visit ahead of time.  Alert your child’s teacher and the main office.
·    But I really want to see my child in action!  We understand that it is fun and exciting to watch your student learn each day! If you choose to visit, your observation will be limited to 20-30 minutes. Please remember that your role as observer is “fly on the wall” status and not an active participant in the classroom. To speak with the teacher, you will need to schedule a follow up appointment at another time. 
·   What if I want to volunteer in the classroom? Wonderful! Please schedule this prior to your arrival with your child’s teacher. This way he/she can have materials and instructions planned for you. This way, both your time and their time is maximized and utilized fully – a win-win for everyone!
·   Can I take photographs and/or record video while in the classroom?  In order to preserve the special dynamic that exists in classrooms and also to protect the confidentiality of all students, we do not allow parents and/or visitors to take photographs or record video while in a classroom without prior permission from an administrator.


Parents are encouraged to become actively involved in their children's education. If you would like to volunteer, please go to the Richland 2 website and follow this path: Explore / I’m a Richland 2 Student or Parent / Volunteer Services (read the information provided) and then click the button that accesses the Secure Volunteer Site. In order to have a safe school, all volunteers must sign in through the office using our Lobby Guard system and wear a volunteer sticker. There is a SLED check form completed on each individual signing up as a volunteer.  Keep in mind that some of your volunteer time may be needed in areas other than your child's classroom. Always remember to record your volunteer hours with the main office as these hours are reported annually to the South Carolina State Department of Education.