Monday, August 19, 2019

Student Handbook Snippets - Playground & Safety Procedures

Knowing our school and class procedures is the best way parents can help reinforce these expectations each day. New and returning students receive extensive training, practice, and review of procedures during the first two weeks of school. They are also provided reminders throughout the year on WING-TV announcements, within their classrooms, during bi-weekly grade level community meetings, and scheduled grade level meetings with Administrators after school holidays that last longer than a week (ie. Winter Break). Every adult at RTE is responsible for modeling our expectations of students, and every adult is expected to monitor and reinforce these expectations with every student in the building throughout every day of the school year. 


  • Quickly and silently line up.  Help create synergy by using active listening and following procedures.
  • Stay in a straight silent line following your class outside to your assigned area.
  • If you are not with your class when the alarm sounds, find the closest adult and proceed outside with them.
  • Remain silent until the all-clear signal is given to return to class.

  • During the school day, students may use the playground and its equipment only when supervised by a member of the Round Top faculty or staff.
  • Protect the safety of others by leaving sticks, stones, and other forms of outdoor debris on the ground.
  • At the conclusion of a recess period, students will line up in a safe, orderly manner in the appropriate area to re-enter the building.
  • Avoid using the “overhead bars" and other playground structures including swings, slides, ropes, and climbing poles when wet conditions (rain or morning dew) create dangerously slick surfaces.
  • Use the LIFESKILL of Common Sense and Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind on the playground and avoid practicing gymnastics, i.e. flips, somersaults, cartwheels on the playground or flipping and jumping from elevated equipment.
  • Alert an adult if you witness a dangerous act by another student or have knowledge of an injured student.
  • Faculty members on playground duty will carry the following items: walkie-talkie, whistle and gloves for attending to emergencies involving blood.
  • Students or faculty members should not move severely injured students. The nurse will be notified in these instances to activate the school's Emergency Plan, if warranted.