Friday, August 16, 2019

Student Handbook Snippets - School Counseling & Health Services


Round Top Elementary offers a comprehensive, developmental school counseling program that has been recognized at the national level by the American School Counselor Association’s Recognized ASCA Model Program Award.  The school counseling program is implemented through classroom lessons that address state and national standards, small group counseling sessions, and individual counseling sessions.  Classroom lessons offered by the school counselor include, but are not limited to the following topics:  understanding and expressing feelings appropriately, self-esteem, LIFESKILLS and 7 Habits, manners, conflict resolution, anti-bullying,  decision-making, goal-setting, coping strategies, career awareness, personal body safety (good touch/bad touch), understanding and appreciating diversity, and basic social skills.


The health of all students is a vital concern if children are to reach their maximum learning potential. The school's health program is designed to help students develop good health habits. The school is staffed with a registered nurse five days a week. The health room is staffed by school personnel who have been trained in CPR and First Aid by the American Red Cross, and functions under the supervision of the school nurse. The nurse coordinates the health program (i.e. vision and hearing screenings) and acts as a liaison between school personnel, community organizations and medical resources. If a child becomes sick at school, a parent will be contacted and will be responsible for taking the child home or to the doctor. It is extremely important that the school have on file the home and business telephone numbers of both parents and an emergency name and phone number in the event of an emergency situation.  Please be proactive and make sure we have your correct contact information to create a win-win situation for everyone.