Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Student Handbook Snippets - Lifelong Guidelines and LIFESKILLS


The Lifelong Guidelines are the expectations for behavior in our learning environment which help students grow and learn. Research supports that when these guidelines are consistently followed, optimum learning takes place. When all members of a school are using Lifelong Guidelines, the environment of the classes and the school is conducive to learning. Modeling is the best form of teaching these guidelines. The second best way is acknowledging others for using these on a daily basis. This allows students to see what the guidelines look like and sound like, also observing first-hand which behaviors are necessary to be successful in the classroom, outside of school, and in life. Our five Lifelong Guidelines are:  
Active Listening, No Put Downs, Personal Best, Trustworthiness, and Truthfulness.


The purpose of our 19 LIFESKILLS is to provide structures for students to evaluate their own performance and gain an understanding of which social behaviors will enhance their success.  These differ from school rules in that they apply to all age groups in all situations throughout life, thus the term LIFESKILLS. The 19 LIFESKILLS we teach and model are:

INTEGRITY - To act with honesty and sincerity.
INITIATIVE - To do something because it needs to be done.
FLEXIBILITY - To be willing to change plans when necessary.
PERSEVERANCE - To keep at it.
ORGANIZATION - To plan, arrange and implement in an orderly, useable way.
SENSE OF HUMOR - To laugh and be playful without hurting others.
EFFORT - To do your best.
COMMON SENSE - To use good judgment and think it through.
PROBLEM SOLVING – To seek solutions.
RESPONSIBILITY - To do what’s right.
PATIENCE - To wait calmly for someone or something.
FRIENDSHIP - To have mutual trust and caring.
CURIOSITY - To investigate and seek understanding.
COOPERATION - To work together towards a common goal.
CARING - To feel and show concern for others.
COURAGE - To act on one’s own beliefs.
PRIDE - Satisfaction from doing your personal best.
RESOURCEFULNESS - To respond to challenges in creative ways.
CREATIVITY - The mental process of coming up with new ideas.