Did you know students can be dropped off at school as early as 7:30 AM?
Students have options to eat breakfast at school, meet with their assigned clubs, attend grade level Community, or participate in morning Fun Run if they arrive on time!
Did you know that teacher instruction begins at 8:00 AM?
The first 30 minutes of the day are when students get organized, review the schedule for the day, and begin their morning work. Think of how important the first 30 minutes of your day at work is to you!
Did you know our morning news show (WING-TV) begins at 8:05 AM?
Our news show shares important announcements that impact students in all grade levels. Students who do not arrive on time to hear announcements may miss important information and deadlines!
Did you know RTE averages nearly 30 tardy students each week?
These are students arriving after 8:10 AM....after WING-TV ends and instruction has already begun. Students who enter the classroom late interrupt instruction for others, and they often feel "left behind."
Did you know that RTE buses arrive between 7:30 and 7:40?
Bus riders have the option to attend all before school activities and are present when instruction begins at 8:00 AM.
So what's missing from this picture?