Our fourth annual Boosterthon kicks off this Monday, 11/9/15. Our original dates were impacted by the tragic flood that struck our community on 10/4. Our PTO and SIC worked closely with Administration and the Boosterthon corporation to decide if moving forward was the best decision. I am very proud to announce that the RTE PTO has decided to donate 50% of the profits collected for flood relief for two Richland One schools that were negatively impacted by the flood: Bradley Elementary and South Kibourne Elementary. Boosterthon is also assisting with flood relief as you will read in the attached letter.
Please come join us for a fun filled Pep Rally this Monday:
- 1:20 for our K-2 students
- 2:00 for our 3- 5 students
The FUN RUN will be Wed., 11/18 @ the following times:
- Fifth grade - 8:30 - 8:50
- Kindergarten: 10:00 - 10:20
- First Grade: 12:35 - 12:55
- Third grade: 2:00 - 2:20
- Fourth grade: 2:25 - 2:45
Let's start working on those pledges again! Our goal is 50 states and more than 30 countries again! Together, we can do it! #GAME ON!