Saturday, August 22, 2015

Picture Day Tuesday, Aug 25th!

RTE fall picture day is this Tuesday! These pictures will be used in our yearbook. Students are not required to bring in any forms or money on this day. Picture packages will be sent home for purchasing at a later date.  Here are some tips for great pictures:

Ms. Bennett, 1st Grade
(my dad fixed my hair!)
OUTFIT: Plan ahead! Students will take close-up portraits. Avoid wearing white, spaghetti straps and t-shirts with words, logos, superheros, etc. DO wear solid colors, small patterns, and shirts with collars.

HAIR: Avoid trying new hairstyles. DO get haircuts and practice new hairstyles a few days in advance.

SMILE: Talk to your children about showing off their smile! Photographers will encourage students to smile with their mouth open because we know that missing teeth and braces are part of being a kid.  Parents will want to remember these days for years to come!

Get ready to "smile big!"