Wednesday, April 22, 2015

You're Invited! RTE Volunteer Forum

The PTO and school administration would like to cordially invite you to our Volunteer Forum on Monday, April 27 at 6:00pm in the Media Center.

Round Top has been very fortunate to have a history of an active and involved PTO and corp of parent volunteers. We would like to continue that tradition by energizing our current group of volunteers and expanding our volunteer base by ensuring that volunteering is a viable option for all parents. We realize that time is often in short supply for parents these days, so we'd like to use this Volunteer Forum to discuss new ideas and approaches to volunteering at RTE. Is there a better way to organize our PTO board? Is there a more efficient way to use volunteers' time? What are the school's volunteer needs and how can parents help in meeting those needs?

We want you to be a part of this discussion as Round Top soars into our second decade of quality teaching and learning! Please RSVP to to let us know if you can attend on April 27th.